Earlier this month, specialist brain and spinal injury case management and rehabilitation services organisation JSP held their National Conference. ‘The Perils and Possibilities of working in Brain Injury’ attracted multidisciplinary attendees who work or are interested in working with people with acquired brain injury. Susan and Jayne attended to represent Susan Pattison Ltd, with our first ever exhibition stand!

Susan set up and ready for our first exhibition at JSP Conference

Jayne from our Barnsley cost centre liasing with Jane Warren and Sally Wilkinson from JSP Sheffield
There was plenty of interest at the exhibition stand, where we were able to meet and chat to a wide range of people who work with people with brain injuries.
In addition, Sue and Jayne were treated to presentations by two eminent speakers -the internationally reknowned author of several widely aclaimed text books and inspiational Dr George Prigatano and one of the UK’s leading psychologists and charasmatic presenter Dr David Manchester. The theme of the conference was to highlight the importance of a therapuetic alliance between the patient and the therapist in order to achieve meaningful and longlasting results. This topic resonated with Sue and Jayne as the team at Susan Pattsion Ltd value the importance of a theraputic relationship with their clients and this is a key feature of the Core Values and Belief structure upheld by the team.