As the next meeting of the NWABI Network on the 11th May 2012 is drawing near, I would like to tell you about some changes to the management of the group.
The escalating administration time necessary to manage the network, keep contact details up to date, send invitations and manage acceptances, has forced us to look at the way in which the group is managed and as a result we have created a website to make it both easier and more accessible. If you wish to remain a member of the NWABI Network group and would like to be kept informed of future meetings, please use the link below and follow the simple instructions given.
It should only take a moment of your time…
To join the Group (become a member);
1. Click on Join Group on the Home page
2. Complete your details (under Join lists please tick the list which best represents your vocation/s). Click on Join Group
3. You receive a welcome message together with a separate e-mail. On the e-mail please click on the link to verify your e-mail address
4. On the website you will see a page Welcome to NW ABI Network (Manchester) confirming your e-mail address. Click on Continue which will return you to the Home page.
Once you have joined the group, and if you would like to attend, you can then register for the next meeting on the 11th May and your acceptance will be sent straight to Amanda.