Coronavirus- Impact on Rehabilitation

Susan Pattison, Practice Director was pleased to be asked to contribute to a round-table discussion about the future of rehabilitation and the impact of the Coronavirus. Susan joined a panel of experts from both the private sector and the NHS as they discussed how teams had met the challenge of continuing rehabilitation during lockdown. The panellists shared their experiences in the evolution of remote contacts via video link and discussed the opportunities and shortfalls to be considered  for the future.  In the report Susan comments on how the switch to virtual has impacted on rehabilitation, she said,

“Being behind a screen has empowered patients and support workers to step up & take more ownership”.

“It will be interesting moving forwards to see if the success of remote working during lockdown sustains and how it will fit into the real world”

“I am concerned about therapy being described as cheaper. Remote therapy has become a method of improving the service we already provide”

To read the article in full click here: